Matter and it's states



  • Matter is anything which has mass and occupies space.
  • It exists in five states, viz, solid, liquid,gas, plasma condensate. Out of which the former three are commonly seen.


:- States of Matter

The five states of matter are discussed below

1:- Solids

  • They have definite volume and definite shape
  • They are incompressible and have strongest intermolecular interactions.
  • They are very dense as compared to liquidarnd gasS. e.g., WOOd, stone, iron, etc.

** Melting Point

  • It is a temperature at which a substance converts from its solid state to liquid state. Melting point of tce IS O°C
  • Melting point decreases in the presence of impurity.


  • It is the process of conversion of a

substance from the solid state to the gas

  • state without intermediate liquid phase passing through an intermediate liquid phase.
  • It is used to separate a sublimation (substance undergoing sublimation liked camphor, naphthalene,ammonium chloride, etc) from non-sublimate.

2:- Liquids

  • They have definite volume but no definite shape They take the shape of the vessel in which they are kept.
  • They can flow, hence, considered as fluids e.g., milk, water, mercury, etc.

**Boiling Point

  • It is a temperature at which pressure of a liquid becomes ea pour atmospheric pressure and which a substance converts from its liguid state to gaseous state.
  • It is different at different places Boling point of water at normal conditions is 100° C it usually decreases at high altitudes that's why, at high altitudes, the boiling point of water is less than 100°C and more time is required to cook a food Boiling point of water in pressure cooker is high due to high pressure and hence. less time is required to c0ok the food.
  • Boiling point increases in the presence of impurity.


It is the process of conversion of a liquid

into vapours at any temperature below

its boiling point. It increases with



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lt produces cooling. That's why we feel

Cool when some nail polish remover or

spirit is kept on our palm.


They have neither definite volume no

definite shape. They take the shape and

Volume of the container in which tney

are filled.

They are highly compressible.

They can

flow so onsidered as fluids,

e.g., air, oxygen and nitrogen


It is the process of convers10n O


iquid or liquid into solid


liquids and gases are inte

convertible by changing

Of temperature and pressure




Solid Liquidool



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